Absorption of nutrients
1) Diffusion
2) Facilitated diffusion – ATP is not required
3) Active transport – ATP is used
Balance diet
Dietary fibers
1) Provides bulk to the diet and helps to satisfy the appetite
2) Stimulates peristalsis
3) Attracts water, increasing bulk and softness of faecus
4) Increases frequency of defecation, preventing constipation
Example: – Colo-rectal cancer
Disorders in the alimentary canal
2) Prolonged starvation
3) Consumption of alcohol
4) Suffering from some diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis etc.
5) Prolonged use of aspirin
Functions of the tongue
Factors contributing to the dental disease
Histological structure of the small intestine
Intestinal juice
Adaptations of a small intestine for efficient digestion and absorption
Functions of small intestine
Histological structure of large intestine.
Numerous lymph nodes are present in lamina propria and in submucosa.
Functions of large intestine
Eg:- Escherichia coli
Enterobacter aerogenes.
Pancreatic juice
functions of enzymes in the pancreatic juice includes
Histological structure of liver
Functions of liver
1) Synthesis or production
Eg :- albumin, globulin, fibrinogen
2) Storage Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
3) Protection
Example :- alcohol, Nicotin, microbial toxins.
4) Formation of excretory substances.
5) Production of heat.
6) Elimination or destroying
7) Regulation
1) The body is unable to store absorbed amino acids and those not required for protein synthesis are deaminated in the liver. The keto acids can be used for respiration.
2) Transamination – Removes the Amine groups of amino acids and attaches to form the new non-essential amino acids.
Sodium glycoholate
Functions of the bile