AL Bullets is a website created for students from all over the island to learn and practice high yield topics form all subjects of G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination.
There are many sources of exam preparation materials. But what is unique about AL Bullets is that it covers only highly tested topics from each subject and create practice questions (MCQs & Essay Type) in that topic from past papers and model questions right after reviewing each topic.
High yield topics are contents which are more likely to be tested on the exam. Each subject has many topics. High yield topics are grouped together and categorized as a separate group under each subject.
The Self-Assessment Exam provides detailed analysis of your relative strengths and weaknesses in different subjects and units. It can be accessed through Q-bank option from the website.
Q-Bank contains collection of multiple choice questions and essay questions where the user can select maximum of 50 question and answer them online as a real exam on a timed mode. At the end of the exam, the user will receive a performance report with highest and weakest performing units.
Q-bank is where the user can monitor their weakness areas from the performance report and can improve their knowledge by focusing on those particular units.
Our Q-bank covers all of the listed subjects on our website.
Yes, you can. To do so, please contact us directly.
Q-bank and certain contents are accessible only for registered premium users. To get more information please contact us directly at 011-2362590.
You can type Tamil word pronunciation in English and enter spacebar, which will turn the letters into Tamil.
If you find any topic notes which are important and are not included in our website, you can share or add those contents under comment section of those topics and we will review them and update those topics.
Students who take part in the development of the website will receive free premium access to contents by sharing important topic notes and will be notified of any mistakes from the topics or questions.
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Please call us directly at 011-2362590 to become a premium member.
A premium membership allows access to over 1000’s of questions, self-assessment exam in timed mode and practice mode.